This is a series of Shiurim given weekly to students of marriageable age, dealing with various aspects of relationships pertaining to the roles and proper character traits of husbands, wives, parents and even colleagues and friends.
NEW! 2014-2015 Series
- 01 Ki Seitzei 2014: How Deep Does Your Relationship Go
- 02 Ki Savo 2014: The Bottom Line of Gratitude
- 03 Nitzavim-Vayelech 2014: It Starts With a Vision
- 04 Vayeira 2014: A Risk Worth Taking
- 05 Chayei Sarah 2014: Shining Eyes
- 06 Toldos 2014: Giving in the Context of Life (Rabbi Akiva Zweig)
- 07 Vaeira 2015: Good and Bad, Not Right and Wrong
- 08 Bo 2015: Education Isn't Mechanics
- 09 Beshalach 2015: Explosion of Achdus
- 10 Yisro 2015: Torah is a Skill
- 11 Mishpatim 2015: Accomplishment Oriented
- 12 Terumah 2015: Put Your Heart Into It
- 13 Vayakhel 2015: Laziness and Enthusiasm
- 14 Vayikra 2015: Anivus and Natural Talents
- 15 Tzav 2015: Letting Children Do What's Right
- 16 Tazria 2015: Incorporate, Don't Assimilate
- 17 Acharei-Mos 2015: High on Life
- 18 Emor 2015: Lechem Mishneh: Doing More for Hashem
- 19 Behar-Bechukosai 2015: Give Up Your Claim
- 20 Bamidbar 2015: Know Your Parents, Know Your Potential
- 21 Behaaloscha 2015: Internalizing Who You Are
- 22 Shelach 2015: Seeing Each Other's Strengths
- 23 Korach 2015: The Power of Perspective
- 24 Chukas 2015: Getting Beyond Superficiality
- 25 Balak 2015: Escaping Through Sleep
- 26 Pinchas 2015: Projecting Our Issues Outward