Audio Shiurim
NEW! The Splendor of Shabbos
Sponsored by David and Davida Zimble and Family, in Memory of her beloved mother Shirley K. Lavine, “Sima Bat Binyamin”
This series was given as the Wednesday Ladies Class from early 2014 through 2016.- Shabbos 01: The Fulfillment of Shabbos
- Shabbos 02: The Wisdom of Shabbos
- Shabbos 03: The Peace Process
- Shabbos 04: A Timeless Gift
- Shabbos 05: United through Empathy
- Shabbos 06: Eternal Security
- Shabbos 07: Pesach and True Remembrance
- Shabbos 08: Awareness and Freedom
- Shabbos 09: Families of Forgiveness
- Shabbos 10: Don't Grow on Your Own
- Shabbos 11: The Pleasure of Existence
- Shabbos 12: Opening God's Diary
- Shabbos 13: Communal Redemption
- Shabbos 14: An Extra Appetite
- Shabbos 15: Accessing Our Powers Within
- Shabbos 16: A Predisposition to Focus
- Shabbos 17: Rosh Hashana: Loving Partners
- Shabbos 18: The Creative Quality of Trust
- Shabbos 19: The Pursuit of Chesed
- Shabbos 20: Giving Up Your Space
- Shabbos 21: A Family Event
- Shabbos 22: How to Get Rich
- Shabbos 23: A Fresh Creation
- Shabbos 24: Ideal Preparation for Shabbos
- Shabbos 25: A God-Friendly Environment
- Shabbos 26: 39 Ways to Bring God Closer
- Shabbos 27: The Fight for Existence
- Shabbos 28: Enlivening Every Moment
- Shabbos 29: Purim and Shabbos: Celebrating Sovereignty
- Shabbos 30: Home Sweet Home
- Shabbos 31: Pesach and Shabbos: An Active Rememberance
- Shabbos 32: The Shabbos Bride
- Shabbos 33: Sefiras HaOmer: Mutual Respect
- Shabbos 34: Bread of Empowerment
- Shabbos 35: Shavuos: What Can I Do for Torah?
- Shabbos 36: Shavuos: Discovering Ourselves
- Shabbos 37: A Time to Build
- Shabbos 38: Unique Roles Build a Home
- Shabbos 39: Light to the Nations
- Shabbos 40: Breaking Through Our Vows
- Shabbos 41: Rosh Hashana and Appreciation
- Shabbos 42: Rosh Hashana: Expressing Innate Potential
- Shabbos 43: Being a Proper Parent
- Shabbos 44: Safe In Your Own Skin
- Shabbos 45: What To Really Ask For
- Shabbos 46: Being Realistic
- Shabbos 47: Creating a Boundless Inheritance
- Shabbos 48: True Hospitality
- Shabbos 49: The Connection of Chanukah to Shabbos
- Shabbos 50: Truth and Faith
- Shabbos 51: Blessing Our Children
- Shabbos 52: Light of the Family
- Shabbos 53: The Joy of Oneness
- Shabbos 54: Features of the Family
- Shabbos 55: Finally Letting God In
- Shabbos 56: Manna and Worldly Responsibility
- Shabbos 57: The Creation of Independence
- Shabbos 58: Lighting Candles Pt. 1 The Nature of Light
- Shabbos 59: Lighting Candles Pt. 2 Sunlight and Moonlight
- Shabbos 60: Building a Permanent Home
- Shabbos 61: Pesach and The World We Created
- Shabbos 62: Using Food to Connect to Ourselves
- Shabbos 63: Empowering for Personal Growth
- Shabbos 64: Ruth and Learning to Live in God's World
- Shabbos 65: Shavuos: Intimacy With the Almighty
- Shabbos 66: Achieving Eternal Physicality
- Shabbos 67: Celebrating and Building
- This Weeks, Sept. 21st: Shabbos 68: Vidui: Saying Thank You