Audio Shiurim
- Parsha Break Bundle: Five 5-7-Minute Classes on Terumah
- NEW! Parsha Break Bundle: Four 5-7-Minute Classes on Terumah 2
Thursday Night Shiur
- NEW! 1977: Take My Place - Terumah
- NEW! 1984: Avodah VS Shechinah - Terumah
- NEW! 1986: A Place With Character - Terumah
- 1995: The Purpose of the Mishkan - Terumah
- 1997: Negating the Opposition to Loving G-d - Terumah
- 1999: Mishkan: Symbol of Yichud Hashem - Terumah
- NEW! 2001: Letting Your Inner Essence Come Out - Terumah
- 2002: Self-Fulfillment Through the Mitzvos - Terumah
- 2003: Purim: Malchus Yisrael through Kabbalas HaTorah B'Ratzon - Terumah
- NEW! 2008: How Man Becomes Angelic - Terumah
- NEW! 2009: Independence in Serving G-d - Terumah
- NEW! 2011: When Two Halves Become a Whole - Terumah
- NEW! 2014: Self-Love Comes First - Terumah
Friday Morning Class
- 2006: When Taking is Really Giving - Terumah
- NEW! 2008: Beyond a Merger - Terumah
- NEW! 2012: Connecting Everyone to the Source (Rabbi Akiva Zweig) - Terumah
- NEW! 2015: It's Not About the Money - Terumah
Ladies Class
- 1998: The Mishkan and Our Love Relationship with Hashem - Terumah
- 2003: Understanding the Meaning of Shema - Terumah
- 2006: The Definition of a Tzaddik - Terumah