Audio Shiurim
- Parsha Break Bundle: Four 5-7-Minute Classes on Beha'aloscha
- NEW! Parsha Break Bundle: Three 5-8-Minute Classes on Beha'aloscha 2
Thursday Night Shiur
- NEW! 1985: Becoming a Mekabel of Foundations - Behaaloscha
- 1988: Klal Yisrael's Rejection of Geirus - Behaaloscha
- 1989: The True Essence of Light - Behaaloscha
- 1990: Lighting the Menorah: Bringing the Divine Into the Tabernacle - Behaaloscha
- 1993: The Torah's Approach to Physical Needs - Behaaloscha
- 1995: The Role of the Melech: Bringing Malchus Hashem to Klal Yisrael - Behaaloscha
- 1996: Moshe's Unique Relationship with Hashem - Behaaloscha
- 1997: Avodas HaMishkan: Loyal Servant or Architect - Behaaloscha
- 1998: The Significance of the Sabbath Candles - Behaaloscha
- NEW! 2000: We All Just Want to be Children - Behaaloscha
- 2001: Klal Yisrael's Craving for Infancy - Behaaloscha
- 2002: The Greatness of Modesty - Behaaloscha
- NEW! 2005: Making Sense of the Torah's Order - Behaaloscha
- NEW! 2006: Knowing Your Role - Behaaloscha
- NEW! 2012: Invaluable Input of Din - Behaaloscha
- NEW! 2013: Shabbos and Shofar Bind the Community - Behaaloscha
Friday Morning Class
- 2005: The Attitude of Gratitude - Behaaloscha
- NEW! 2009: Modesty: Being Comfortable With Yourself - Behaaloscha
- NEW! 2013: The Emotional Component of Independence - Behaaloscha
- NEW! 2015: Leadership: The Responsibility to Create Unity - Behaaloscha
Ladies Class
- NEW! 1997: Why So Much Complaining - Behaaloscha
- 1999: Once You're Married, You're Finished - Behaaloscha
- NEW! 2003: Motherhood: Dealing With Causes, Not Symptoms - Behaaloscha
- 2004: Appreciating What We Have - Behaaloscha
- 2006: A Mother's Role in Child Developement - Behaaloscha