Audio Shiurim
- Parsha Break Bundle: Four 5-7-Minute Classes on Shelach
- NEW! Parsha Break Bundle: Three 7-11-Minute Classes on Shelach 2
Thursday Night Shiur
- NEW! 1978: Klal Yisrael's Level - Shelach
- 1980: Tzitzis: The Clothes Make the Man - Shelach
- 1986: The Power of Deveikus with Elokus - Shelach
- NEW! 1989: The Meraglim: How Far Can We Go - Shelach
- 1991: For the Sake of Heaven vs. Self-Interest - Shelach
- 1992: Lashon HaRa: A Distortion of Reality - Shelach
- 1993: The Miraculous Gift of Eretz Yisrael - Shelach
- 1996: The Parsha of Community - Shelach
- NEW! 1999: Action Makes Though Real - Shelach
- 2001: Eretz Yisrael: Hashem's Home - Shelach
- NEW! 2004: Challah: Partners With God - Shelach
- 2006: Klal Yisrael's Fear of Independence - Shelach
- NEW! 2007: What is Holy Chutzpah - Shelach
- NEW! 2010: Earning Our Independence - Shelach
- 2011: Shirking Responsibility - Shelach
- NEW! 2013: The Truly Observant Jew - Shelach
Friday Morning Class
- 1999: Giving of Yourself - Shelach
- NEW! 2004: Tzitzis: Our Badge of Honor - Shelach
- 2006: Tzitzis Come with Strings Attrached - Shelach
- NEW! 2007: The Rational Man Does Not Exist - Shelach
- 2011: Caution: You May Find What You're Looking For - Shelach
- 2012: Losing Touch with Reality - Shelach
- NEW! 2013: Our Problem With Parenting - Shelach
- NEW! 2014: Shabbos As a Community - Shelach
Ladies Class
- NEW! 1998: Self Love VS Lashon Hara: The Search for Truth - Shelach
- 2003: Promote Responsibility - Shelach
- NEW! 2006: Finding the Good in Another Person - Shelach
- NEW! 2007: The Unseen Victim of Lashon Hara - Shelach