Audio Shiurim
- Parsha Break Bundle: Three 5-7-Minute Classes on Behar
- NEW! Parsha Break Bundle: Three 7-10-Minute Classes on Behar 2
Thursday Night Shiur
- NEW! 1979: The Yesod of Yovel - Behar
- NEW! 1984: The Basis of Usury - Behar
- 1995: Respect: Prerequisite to True Love - Behar
- NEW! 1997: Eretz Yisrael: Where Hashem Shows His Love - Behar
- 2000: Mitzvah of Shmittah Reinforces Hashem’s Plans - Behar
- 2003: Returning Land to its Rightful Owner - Behar
- NEW! 2005: Shmittah: Real Self-Definition - Behar
- NEW! 2008: Our Societal Responsibility - Behar
- 2011: Defined By Our Choices - Behar
- NEW! 2014: All Children of Hashem - Behar
- NEW! 2015: Torah is Transformative - Behar/Bechukosai
Friday Morning Class
- NEW! 1991: The Nature of Dependence - Behar
- NEW! 2005: Invest in Family - Behar
- 2007: Plenty to Chew On - Behar
- 2008: Dire Consequences for Negative Behavior - Behar
- 2009: Money Lending Arouses Interest - Behar
- 2011: No Interest in Fellow Jews - Behar
- NEW! 2014: How to Treat a Brother - Behar
- NEW! 2015: Subjective Standards - Behar/Bechukosai
Ladies Class
- NEW! 2005: Shavuos: The Pleasure of Giving - Behar
- NEW! 2007: The Self-Sustained Evil Eye - Behar/Bechukosai