Audio Shiurim
- Parsha Break Bundle Five - 5-7 Minute classes on Emor
- NEW! Parsha Break Bundle: Five 8-12-Minute Classes on Emor 2
Thursday Night Shiur
- 1982: The Mekalel and Being Royalty - Emor
- NEW! 1984: Friendship Union - Emor
- NEW! 1993: Kohanim: Connected to Life - Emor
- NEW! 1994: Lag BaOmer: Honoring Others Through Minimizing Oneself - Emor
- 2000: Transforming Man Into Animal - Emor
- 2001: Krias HaTorah: Klal Yisrael's Constitution - Emor
- 2003: Tzedukim VS Perushim: What is The Purpose of Creation? - Emor
- NEW! 2007: The Chessed of Our Freedom - Emor
- 2011: Holidays Renew Partnership - Emor
- NEW! 2013: Every Festival is an Aspect of Shabbos - Emor
Wednesday Morning Class
Ladies Class
- 1988: Resurrection and the Eternality of the Human Body - Emor
- NEW! 2007: Define the Baseline - Emor
- NEW! 2008: Sefiras HaOmer: 12,000 Pairs, Not 24,000 Individuals - Emor
Friday Morning Class
- 2004: A Minor Infraction is a Major Issue - Emor
- NEW! 2007: More Than Business - Emor
- 2011: Born to Serve - Emor
- NEW! 2013: The Mekalel's One Man War - Emor
- NEW! 2014: Sefiras HaOmer: Counting Closer - Emor