Ki Sisa
Audio Shiurim
- Parsha Break Bundle: Five 5-7-Minute Classes on Ki Sisa
- NEW! Parsha Break Bundle: Five 5-7-minute Classes on Ki Sisa 2
Thursday Night Shiur
- NEW! 1980: Duality of Nosein and Mekabel - Ki Sisa
- NEW! 1990: We Really Are One - Ki Sisa
- NEW! 1993: Desperate For Connection - Ki Sisa
- 1996: The Luchos Sheniyos and the 13 Middos: Becoming Part of Hashem - Ki Sisa
- NEW! 1998: The Value of Life - Parshas Parah
- NEW! 2003: Figuring Each Other Out - Ki Sisa
- 2006: Death and Eternity - Ki Sisa
- NEW! 2007: Becoming Owners of Klal Yisrael - Ki Sisa
- 2009: Machatzis HaShekel: Asking Forgiveness - Ki Sisa
- 2011: Two Aspects of Shabbos - Ki Sisa
- NEW! 2013: Investing With Everything We've Got
- NEW! 2014: The Restoration of Gemara - Ki Sisa
Friday Morning Class
- 2009: Power of Prayer - Ki Sisa
- 2010: Hashem Guarantees Survival of Jewish People - Ki Sisa
- NEW! 2013: Always An Open Door - Ki Sisa
- NEW! 2014: Communication: It's About the Other Person - Ki Sisa
Ladies Class
- 2001: Teshuva: Discovering Our True Essence - Ki Sisa
- 2004: Importance of Validation - Ki Sisa
- NEW! 2007: Bless Our Children With Wisdom - Ki Sisa
- NEW! 2010: Pesach: Bringing History Forward - Ki Sisa