Audio Shiurim
For Shiurim on Pesach and the Haggdah Shel Pesach, please visit the Pesach page.
- Parsha Break Bundle Five - 5-7 Minute classes on Vayakhel
- NEW! Parsha Break Bundle: Five 7-12-Minute Classes on Vayakhel 2
Thursday Night
- NEW! 1986: Shabbos: Our Return to Eden - Vayakhel
- NEW! 1990: Pesach: Why Is It Called a Seder? - Vayakhel/Pesach
- 1992: Shabbos: Living in Hashem's World - Vayakhel
- 1997: The Aron as Ohr: Tikkun for the Chet Ha'Eigel - Vayakhel
- NEW! 1999: Pesach: Man Runs The World - Vayakehel/Pesach
- 2000: Betzalel's Role in Creating a House of Hashem - Vayakhel
- NEW! 2003: The Torah's Version of Quantum Electrodynamics - Vayakhel
- NEW! 2006: The Mitzvah of Creating the Shabbos Environment - Vayakhel
- NEW! 2008: Shabbos: A Communal Responsibility - Vayakhel
- 2011: Working Together - Vayakhel
- NEW! 2014: Avodah Brings Us Together - Vayakhel
- NEW! 2015: Connecting to the Klal - Vayakhel/Pekudei
Ladies Class
- 1997: A Good Name: Maximizing My Potential - Vayakhel
- NEW! 2003: Validation: Giving a Sense of Self - Vayakhel
- NEW! 2008: Copper Mirrors and Shalom Bayis - Vayakhel
- 2013: Pesach: A Guaranteed Existence - Vayakhel/Pekudei
Friday Morning
- 2011: Unity On Shabbos - Vayakhel
- 2012: Letting Go - Vayakhel
- NEW! 2014: Religion and Staying Anchored to Reality - Vayakhel
- NEW! 2015: Taking Responsibility For Your People - Vayakhel/Pekudei