Audio Shiurim
- Parsha Break Bundle Two 5 - 7 Minute Classes on Pekudei
- NEW! Parsha Break Bundle: Three 4-7-Minute Classes on Pekudei 2
Thursday Night Shiur
- 1996: Hakamas HaMishkan: An Act of Yetzira - Pekudei
- 1997: The Mishkan's Holiness: Purity of Intent and Effort - Pekudei
- 2006: The Mitzvah of Creating the Shabbos Environment - Pekudei
- NEW! 2008: The Mishkan: Expression of Yisrael's Creativity - Pekudei
- NEW! 2009: We Are Family - Pekudei
- 2011: Creating Kedusha - Pekudei
- NEW! 2014: Creating Mutual Spaces - Pekudei
Friday Morning Class
- NEW! 2005: Take an Active Role - Pekudei
- 2011: Faults in Others is a Reflection of Self - Pekudei
- NEW! 2014: Learning From Everyone - Pekudei
Ladies Class
- 1989: Flattery: Undermining the Purpose of Creation - Pekudei
- 1998: The Power of a Good Name - Pekudei
- 2000: Building Relationships and Hashem's Suppressed Knowledge - Pekudei
- NEW! 2008: Emulate God and Overlook - Pekudei