Audio Shiurim
Thursday Night Shiur
- NEW! 1978: Banim Atem L'Hashem - Shemini
- 1989: Eating for Spiritual Vitality VS Connecting to Hashem - Shemini
- 1993: Aharon HaKohen: One with the Nation - Shemini
- 2000: Nadav and Avihu: Representatives of Yisrael, or Shlucho D'Rachmana - Shemini
- NEW! 2003: The Ultimate Validation - Shemini
- 2008: Validation Determines Self-Worth - Shemini
- NEW! 2011: You Are Who You Are, Not What You Accomplish - Shemini
Friday Morning Class
- NEW! 2000: Compassion, Flattery and Control - Shemini
- NEW! 2003: God's Speaking to Aharon: The Ultimate Validation - Shemini
- 2011: Pesach: The Difference Between Chesed and Friendship - Shemini
Ladies Class
- 1989: Pesach: Our Relationship with Hashem: Marriage or Slavery - Shemini
- 2000: When is Chesed Not a Kindness - Shemini
- 2003: The Proper Way to Raise Children - Shemini
- NEW! 2011: Pesach: At the Seder, Everyone is a Principle - Shemini