Audio Shiurim
- Parsha Break Bundle: Five 5-7-Minute Classes on Tazria
- NEW! Parsha Break Bundle: Three 5-7-Minute Classes on Tazria 2
Thursday Night Shiur
- NEW! 1985: Tumah and Death - Tazria
- NEW! 1998: Opening the Body to Perfection - Tazria
- 2003: Shabbos and Yom Tov: Special Yet Different - Tazria
- 2004: Death: Reconnection with God - Tazria
- NEW! 2007: Small Tools, Huge Impact - Tazria
- 2008: Immortality Through Community - Tazria
- SPONSORED: 2011: Lashon Hara VS Self-Improvement - Tazria – This shiur has been sponsored in honor of Rabbi Mordechai Attias, upon the occasion of his 50th birthday. “May he go from strength to strength”.
- NEW! 2015: Negaim: A Guiding Light - Tazria/Metzora
Friday Morning
- 2003: Reparation Through a Kohen - Tazria
- 2005: Meeting Life's Challenges - Tazria
- NEW! 2013: The Gift of Eternity - Tazria/Metzora
- NEW! 2015: Bris Milah: Elevating the Past Into the Future - Tazria/Metzora
Ladies Class
- NEW! 2000: Pesach: Celebrating Every Step - Tazria
- 2003: Tzara'as: The Disease and the Treatment - Tazria
- NEW! 2008: Yom Tov: The Antidote to Lashon Hara - Tazria
- 2011: No Jew Left Behind - Tazria
Video Shiurim – (Will be shown on a different page)
- SPONSORED: 2011: Lashon Hara VS Self-Improvement - Tazria - Thursday Night – This shiur has been sponsored in honor of Rabbi Mordechai Attias, upon the occasion of his 50th birthday. “May he go from strength to strength”.
- 2011: No Jew Left Behind - Tazria - Ladies Class
- NEW! 2015: Negaim, A Guiding Light - Tazria/Metzora - Thursday Night
- NEW! 2015: Bris Milah: Elevating the Past Into the Future - Tazria/Metzora - Friday Morning
- NEW! 2016: Form and Matter: The Roles of Man and Woman - Tazria - Thursday Night